- CALLIES, M. Teaching World Englishes at the interface of linguistics, language education and classroom practice. Invited plenary lecture at the Sixth International Conference of Applied Linguistics “Languages and People: Problems and Solutions” held by the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics (LITAKA). Universität Vilnius/Litauen, 29.–30. September 2022.
- CALLIES, M. World Englishes in teacher education in Germany at the interface of linguistics, language pedagogy and teaching practice. Workshoptagung „Englische Sprachwissenschaft und Fachdidaktik im Dialog: Chancen zur Stärkung der universitären Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung“ (ESFDialog). Universität Freiburg, 01.10.2021. (invited lecture)
- WESTPHAL, M., MEER, P., HEHNER, S. & CALLIES, M. Global Englishes in language teaching. Fremdsprachentag 2021, Fachverband Moderne Fremdsprachen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 25 September, 2021. (online)
- CALLIES, M. Teaching World Englishes at the interface of linguistics, language education and classroom practice. 6th Conference of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 6), University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, 2 June, 2021. Pre-conference workshop „Imparting knowledge: Workshop on the teaching of English linguistics“. (online)
- HEHNER, S. Global Englishes and the English language classroom. University of Marburg, 18 February, 2021. (online guest lecture)
- CALLIES, M. Varieties of English in teacher education in Germany at the interface of World Englishes, language pedagogy and teaching practice. University of Bamberg, July 14th, 2020. (invited online lecture)
- HEHNER, S. Teacher students´ cognitions about norms and variation in the English language classroom. Modern Linguistics and Language Didactics 2020: (Mis-)matches between linguistic content knowledge and beliefs about language and linguistics. Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg in Feldkirch, Austria, 26-27 March, 2020. (cancelled)
- HEHNER, S. Teacher students‘ cognitions regarding language norms and variation in the English language classroom. 24th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE 2019), University of Limerick in Limerick, Ireland, 20-22 June, 2019.
- CALLIES, M & S. HEHNER. English as an International Language in teacher education in Germany. 24th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE 2019), University of Limerick in Limerick, Ireland, 20-22 June, 2019.
- CALLIES, M., S. HEHNER, P. MEER & M. WESTPHAL. Global Englishes and challenges for English Language Teaching and Teacher Education in Higher Education in Germany. Workshop im Rahmen des 7. Bremer Symposions zum Sprachenlernen und -lehren. „RETHINKING THE LANGUAGE LEARNER. Paradigmen – Methoden – Disziplinen“. 02. März, Universität Bremen.
- CALLIES, M. & S. HEHNER. Konstruktionen mit Partikelverben in Varietäten des Englischen: Zum Spannungsfeld von Präskription und Innovation an der Schnittstelle von Sprachwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik. 4. Internationales Symposium
Sprachwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik. Konstruktionen und Konstruktionslernen. 25. – 26. Oktober 2018, Universität Paderborn. - HEHNER, S. & M. CALLIES. Varieties of English in teacher education at the interface of linguistics, foreign language pedagogy and teaching practice.The Interplay of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education. International Conference. 20. – 22. August 2018, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz [MoSAiK-Project]
- HEHNER, S. Varieties of English in Foreign Language Teacher Education in Germany. 22nd annual conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE). 30. Juni – 2. Juli 2017, Syracuse University, New York/USA.
- CALLIES, M. Errors and innovations in L2 varieties of English: A contradiction in terms. Contradiction Studies: Mapping the Field. Inaugural Conference on Concepts of Contradiction in the Humanities. 09. – 11. Februar 2017, Universität Bremen.
- CALLIES, M. & S. HEHNER, eds. (2023), Pluricentric Languages and Language Eduction: Pedagogical Implications and Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching (Routledge Research in Language Education). London und New York: Routledge.
- CALLIES, M., S. HEHNER, P. MEER & M. WESTPHAL, eds. (2022). Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany. London und New York: Routledge.
- CALLIES, M. & S. HEHNER (2023) Pluricentric languages in university teacher education: Towards increased curricular coherence. In M. Callies & S. Hehner (eds.), Pluricentric Languages and Language Education. Pedagogical Implications and Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching (Routledge Research in Language Education). New York: Routledge, 202–216.
- CALLIES, M. & S. HEHNER (2023). Introduction. Pluricentric Languages and Language Education – Implications and Innovations. In M. Callies & S. Hehner (eds.), Pluricentric Languages and Language Education. Pedagogical Implications and Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching (Routledge Research in Language Education). New York: Routledge, 1-6.
- HEHNER, S. (2023). Encounters with Englishes: Language Learning Biographies as a Window to Teacher Students’ Cognitions. In M. Callies & S. Hehner (eds.), Pluricentric Languages and Language Education. Pedagogical Implications and Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching (Routledge Research in Language Education). New York: Routledge, 113-131.
- CALLIES, M. (2022) Errors and innovations in L2 varieties of English: Towards resolving a contradictory practice. In G. Febel, K. Knopf & M. Nonhoff (eds.), Contradiction Studies – Exploring the Field. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 199–212.
- HEHNER, S. (2022). Teaching materials for TEIL: Focus on Indian English. In M. Callies, S. Hehner, P. Meer, & M. Westphal (Hg.), Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany. London und New York: Routledge, 161-180.
- CALLIES, M., H.HAASE & S. HEHNER (2022). An integrated approach to introducing TEIL in language teacher education at the interface of linguistics, language education and teaching practice. In M. Callies, S. Hehner, P. Meer, & M. Westphal (Hg.), Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany. London und New York: Routledge, 9-27.
- CALLIES, M., HEHNER, S. , P. MEER & M. WESTPHAL (2022). Introduction. Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany. In M. Callies, S. Hehner, P. Meer, & M. Westphal (Hg.), Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language: New perspectives for teaching and teacher education in Germany. London und New York: Routledg, 1-6.
- HANKE, E., HEHNER, S., & BIKNER-AHSBAHS, A. (2021). Reducing fragmentation in university pre-service teacher education – Conditions and obstructions. conditions and strategies. EDeR – Educational Design Research, 5(2), 1–32.
- CALLIES, M. & S. HEHNER (2021). Konstruktionen mit Partikelverben in Varietäten des Englischen: Zum Spannungsfeld von Präskription und Innovation an der Schnittstelle von Sprachwissenschaft, Fremdsprachendidaktik und Unterrichtspraxis. In C. Bürgel, P. Gévaudan & D. Siepmann (Hg). Sprachwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik: Konstruktionen und Konstruktionslernen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg., S. 81-93.
- HEHNER, S. & M. CALLIES (2020). Varieties of English in Foreign Language Teacher Education. Spotlights Lehre. Fachwissenschaft und Fachdidaktik verzahnen und vernetzen. Transferpaket. Bremen: Universität Bremen; S. 15-34. https://doi.org/10.26092/elib/99
- HEHNER, S. , P. MEER, M.CALLIES & M. WESTPHAL (2021). Global Englishes and challenges for English Language Teaching and teacher education in higher education in Germany. In A. Brandt, A. Buschmann-Göbels & C. Harsch (eds.), Rethinking the Language Learner: Paradigmen – Methoden – Disziplinen. Erträge des 7. Bremer Symposions (Fremdsprachen in Lehre und Forschung vol. 53). Bochum: AKS-Verlag, S. 284-292
- HEHNER, S. & M. CALLIES (2018). Teilprojekt 4: Spotlights Lehre – Fachwissenschaft und Fachdidaktik vernetzen – Modellprojekt 1: Varieties of English in Foreign Language Teacher Education. Resonanz. Magazin für Lehre und Studium an der Universität Bremen. Sonderausgabe 2018 „Schnittstellen gestalten – das Zukunftskonzept für die Lehrerbildung an der Universität Bremen. Professionalisierung zum Reflective Practitioner“, S. 67-70.
Studentische Abschlussarbeiten im Projekt
- BOATENG, S. (2022). Students‘ Attitudes toward the Ghanaian and
Nigerian Varieties of English. Unpublished M.Ed. dissertation,
University of Bremen.
- KAWECKI, J. (2022). A Diachronic Analysis of the Depiction of Global Englishes in 9th Grade Textbooks. Unpublished M.Ed. dissertation, University of Bremen.
- SCHUBEL, T. (2019). A Diachronic Evaluation of the Representation of Global Englishes in Secondary School Textbooks in Germany. Unpublished M.Ed. dissertation, University of Bremen.
- RODEWALD, A. L. (2018). EIL in University Teacher Education in Germany. Unpublished M.Ed. dissertation, University of Bremen.
- LINGEMANN-KÖNIG, A. (2017). Sprachbewusstheit und -einstellungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern gegenüber Varietäten des Englischen. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Varietäten des Englischen im Englischunterricht der gymnasialen Oberstufe. Unveröffentlichte Masterarbeit, Universität Bremen.
Entwicklung von Unterrichtsmaterial
- CALLIES, M. & S. HEHNER (2017-). World Englishes in the ELT classroom database – Nichtöffentlich, Zugang auf Anfrage.