Erasmus+ Internship at the Kadir Has University, Istanbul

Erasmus+ Internship at the Kadir Has University, Istanbul

1. IntroductionThis report aims to reflect my Erasmus+ internship as a teaching assistant at Kadir Has University’s Prep School in Istanbul. The first chapter summarizes impressions about the city itself, and serves as a guide to common problems such as the...
Auslandspraktikum in Barcelona mit Erasmus+

Auslandspraktikum in Barcelona mit Erasmus+

Von Oktober 2019 bis Februar 2020 habe ich ein Praktikum bei einem Übersetzungsbüro in Barcelona in der Abteilung Projektmanagement und Human Resources absolviert. Ich habe wöchentlich 35 Stunden (von 10 bis 17 Uhr) gearbeitet. Die Praktikumsstelle habe...

Volunteer Internship in Toulouse, France

I am a master student in Automation Engineering.  During my master study I was looking for an opportunity for an internship abroad and got that in the right time but it was a volunteer internship in Toulouse, France. I choose France because I never went before there...