Prüfungsleistung – Christin Vetter
16. April 2021
Literaturliste zum Sehsinn
-Adams, Reginald B., 2010, editor. The Science of Social Vision. Oxford University Press.
-Adams, Reginald B., 2011, editor. The Science of Social Vision. Oxford University Press.
-Assmann, Aleida, 2008, Einführung in die Kulturwissenschaft, Berlin, E. Schmidt.
–Bourgois, Philippe, 2002, Respect at Work, Going Legit, Cambridge University Press.
-Favazza, Armando R., 1996, Bodies under Siege: Self-Mutilation and Body Modification in Culture and Psychiatry. 2nd ed, Johns Hopkins University Press.
-Grimshaw, Anna, 2001, The Ethnographer’s Eye: Ways of Seeing in Anthropology. Cambridge University Press.
-Gobo, Giampietro, 2009, Doing ethnography, Los Angeles, SAGE.
-Scupin, Raymond, 2016, Cultural Anthropology: A Global Perspective. Ninth edition, Pearson Education.
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