Gedächtnisort – Holocaust Memorial Camp Bahrsplate
Was ist das Holocaust Memorial Camp? Im Bremer Norden im Stadtteil Blumenthal befindet sich unweit der Weser das Holocaust Memorial Camp Bahrsplate....
Der „Geist von Locarno“: ein europäischer Erinnerungsort gerät in Vergessenheit – Folge 2/3
Aus dem kristallblauen Wasser des Lago Maggiore erheben sich die Bergmassive des Tessins. Bis heute ist die idyllische Atmosphäre Locarnos erhalten...
European Federalist No. 1: General Introduction
In 1787 and 1788, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay published the so-called "Federalist Papers" using the pseudonym "Publius." Their...
Der „Geist von Locarno“: ein europäischer Erinnerungsort gerät in Vergessenheit – Folge 1/3
Locarno – Gelegen am nördlichen Ufer des Lago Maggiore, unterscheidet sich das kleine Städtchen auf den ersten Blick nicht von anderen des...
The Conference on the Future of Europe – Finally, an opportunity for more top-down bureaucracy? By Stefan Thierse
On Wednesday, 10 March, the Presidents of the European Commission, the European Parliament (EP), and the Presidency of the Council signed the Joint Declaration on the Future of Europe. It establishes a Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), which is intended to give citizens a greater say over the political agenda for the years to come. It is set to be launched on 9 May 2021 – the official Europe day – a year after its intended start date. This one-year delay is not only owed to the Covid-19 pandemic, but also caused by inter-institutional skirmishes over the CoFoE’s leadership and governance structure. While the Joint Declaration advertises the CoFoE as a “citizens-focused, bottom-up exercise” [emphasis in original], it is fair to say that from the start, the Conference has been everything but a citizen-led initiative.
Der Brexit – eine Europäische Odyssee
[bilingual post - English version see below] Der Brexit – eine Europäische Odyssee Ein politischer Kommentar von Marcel Eichler 27. Dezember 2020 In...
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