Class 1 Lecture:
- “She reads out a politician’s speech on a play […] to address the aspect of people with mixed heritage […]” (25/08/2015)
- “She then presents the view of three people from public life on Aboriginal policies by quoting them directly.” (25/08/2015)
- “L1 gives an overview of steps to be taken to achieve a more just policy making, again quoting a number of people […]” (25/08/2015)
- “[…] stressing the importance of always going back to the original source by comparing interpretation to a game of Chinese whispers.” (25/08/2015)
- “[…] L1 quotes Oodgeroo Noonucaal and Freire in order to stress that education is indeed political.” (01/09/2015)
- “She then reads out the preamble of the Act of Legislation for reconciliation […]” (27/10/2015)
- “She opens the tab about the RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) when she reaches this topic and reads out the definition of the project, which can be found on the page.” (27/10/2015)
- “She opens the document, reads out some lines, scrolls through the pages and gives extra information.” (27/10/2015)
- “going out and talking to the experts or bringing the experts into the room.”
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